Constantes pr�-d�finies
Ces constantes sont d�finies par cette extension, et ne sont disponibles que si cette extension a �t� compil�e avec PHP, ou bien charg�e au moment de l'ex�cution.
Colortype constants
- Gmagick::COLOR_BLACK (integer)
- Gmagick::COLOR_BLUE (integer)
- Gmagick::COLOR_CYAN (integer)
- Cyan
- Gmagick::COLOR_GREEN (integer)
- Green
- Gmagick::COLOR_RED (integer)
- Red
- Gmagick::COLOR_YELLOW (integer)
- Yellow
- Gmagick::COLOR_MAGENTA (integer)
- Magenta
- Gmagick::COLOR_OPACITY (integer)
- Opacity
- Gmagick::COLOR_ALPHA (integer)
- Alpha
- Gmagick::COLOR_FUZZ (integer)
- Fuzz
Composite Operator Constants
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DEFAULT (integer)
- The default composite operator
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Undefined composite operator
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_NO (integer)
- No composite operator defined
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_ADD (integer)
- The result of image + image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_ATOP (integer)
- The result is the same shape as image, with composite image obscuring image where the image shapes overlap
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_BLEND (integer)
- Blends the image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_BUMPMAP (integer)
- The same as COMPOSITE_MULTIPLY, except the source is converted to grayscale first.
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_CLEAR (integer)
- Makes the target image transparent
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COLORBURN (integer)
- Darkens the destination image to reflect the source image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COLORDODGE (integer)
- Brightens the destination image to reflect the source image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COLORIZE (integer)
- Colorizes the target image using the composite image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYBLACK (integer)
- Copies black from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYBLUE (integer)
- Copies blue from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPY (integer)
- Copies the source image on the target image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYCYAN (integer)
- Copies cyan from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYGREEN (integer)
- Copies green from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYMAGENTA (integer)
- Copies magenta from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYOPACITY (integer)
- Copies opacity from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYRED (integer)
- Copies red from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_COPYYELLOW (integer)
- Copies yellow from the source to target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DARKEN (integer)
- Darkens the target image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DSTATOP (integer)
- The part of the destination lying inside of the source is composited over the source and replaces the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DST (integer)
- The target is left untouched
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DSTIN (integer)
- The parts inside the source replace the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DSTOUT (integer)
- The parts outside the source replace the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DSTOVER (integer)
- Target replaces the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DIFFERENCE (integer)
- Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DISPLACE (integer)
- Shifts target image pixels as defined by the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DISSOLVE (integer)
- Dissolves the source in to the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_EXCLUSION (integer)
- Produces an effect similar to that of Gmagick::COMPOSITE_DIFFERENCE, but appears as lower contrast
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_HARDLIGHT (integer)
- Multiplies or screens the colors, dependent on the source color value
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_HUE (integer)
- Modifies the hue of the target as defined by source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_IN (integer)
- Composites source into the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_LIGHTEN (integer)
- Lightens the target as defined by source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_LUMINIZE (integer)
- Luminizes the target as defined by source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_MINUS (integer)
- Substracts the source from the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_MODULATE (integer)
- Modulates the target brightness, saturation and hue as defined by source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_MULTIPLY (integer)
- Multiplies the target to the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_OUT (integer)
- Composites outer parts of the source on the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_OVER (integer)
- Composites source over the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_OVERLAY (integer)
- Overlays the source on the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_PLUS (integer)
- Adds the source to the target
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_REPLACE (integer)
- Replaces the target with the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SATURATE (integer)
- Saturates the target as defined by the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SCREEN (integer)
- The source and destination are complemented and then multiplied and then replace the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SOFTLIGHT (integer)
- Darkens or lightens the colors, dependent on the source
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SRCATOP (integer)
- The part of the source lying inside of the destination is composited onto the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SRC (integer)
- The source is copied to the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SRCIN (integer)
- The part of the source lying inside of the destination replaces the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SRCOUT (integer)
- The part of the source lying outside of the destination replaces the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SRCOVER (integer)
- The source replaces the destination
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_SUBTRACT (integer)
- Subtract the colors in the source image from the destination image
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_THRESHOLD (integer)
- The source is composited on the target as defined by source threshold
- Gmagick::COMPOSITE_XOR (integer)
- The part of the source that lies outside of the destination is combined with the part of the destination that lies outside of the source
Montage Mode constants
- Gmagick::MONTAGEMODE_FRAME (integer)
- Gmagick::MONTAGEMODE_UNFRAME (integer)
Style constants
- Gmagick::STYLE_NORMAL (integer)
- Gmagick::STYLE_ITALIC (integer)
- Gmagick::STYLE_OBLIQUE (integer)
- Gmagick::STYLE_ANY (integer)
Filter constants
- Gmagick::FILTER_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_POINT (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_BOX (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_TRIANGLE (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_HERMITE (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_HANNING (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_HAMMING (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_BLACKMAN (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_GAUSSIAN (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_QUADRATIC (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_CUBIC (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_CATROM (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_MITCHELL (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_LANCZOS (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_BESSEL (integer)
- Gmagick::FILTER_SINC (integer)
Image type constants
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_BILEVEL (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_GRAYSCALE (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_PALETTE (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_PALETTEMATTE (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_TRUECOLOR (integer)
- Gmagick::IMGTYPE_OPTIMIZE (integer)
Resolution constants
- Gmagick::RESOLUTION_UNDEFINED (integer)
Compression constants
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_NO (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_BZIP (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_FAX (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_GROUP4 (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_JPEG (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_JPEG2000 (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_LZW (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_RLE (integer)
- Gmagick::COMPRESSION_ZIP (integer)
Paint constants
- Gmagick::PAINT_POINT (integer)
- Gmagick::PAINT_REPLACE (integer)
- Gmagick::PAINT_FLOODFILL (integer)
- Gmagick::PAINT_FILLTOBORDER (integer)
- Gmagick::PAINT_RESET (integer)
Gravity constants
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_NORTHWEST (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_NORTH (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_NORTHEAST (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_WEST (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_CENTER (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_EAST (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_SOUTHWEST (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_SOUTH (integer)
- Gmagick::GRAVITY_SOUTHEAST (integer)
Stretch constants
- Gmagick::STRETCH_NORMAL (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_CONDENSED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_SEMICONDENSED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_SEMIEXPANDED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_EXPANDED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_EXTRAEXPANDED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_ULTRAEXPANDED (integer)
- Gmagick::STRETCH_ANY (integer)
Align constants
- Gmagick::ALIGN_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::ALIGN_LEFT (integer)
- Gmagick::ALIGN_CENTER (integer)
- Gmagick::ALIGN_RIGHT (integer)
Decoration constants
- Gmagick::DECORATION_NO (integer)
- Gmagick::DECORATION_UNDERLINE (integer)
- Gmagick::DECORATION_OVERLINE (integer)
- Gmagick::DECORATION_LINETROUGH (integer)
Noise constants
- Gmagick::NOISE_UNIFORM (integer)
- Gmagick::NOISE_GAUSSIAN (integer)
- Gmagick::NOISE_IMPULSE (integer)
- Gmagick::NOISE_LAPLACIAN (integer)
- Gmagick::NOISE_POISSON (integer)
Channel constants
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_RED (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_GRAY (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_CYAN (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_GREEN (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_MAGENTA (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_BLUE (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_YELLOW (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_OPACITY (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_MATTE (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_BLACK (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_INDEX (integer)
- Gmagick::CHANNEL_ALL (integer)
Metric constants
- Gmagick::METRIC_UNDEFINED (integer)
Pixel constants
- Gmagick::PIXEL_CHAR (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_DOUBLE (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_FLOAT (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_INTEGER (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_LONG (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_QUANTUM (integer)
- Gmagick::PIXEL_SHORT (integer)
Colorspace constants
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_RGB (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_GRAY (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_OHTA (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_LAB (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_XYZ (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_YCBCR (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_YCC (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_YIQ (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_YPBPR (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_YUV (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_CMYK (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_SRGB (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_HSB (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_HSL (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_HWB (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_REC601LUMA (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_REC709LUMA (integer)
- Gmagick::COLORSPACE_LOG (integer)
Virtual Pixel Method constants
Preview constants
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_ROTATE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SHEAR (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_ROLL (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_HUE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SATURATION (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_BRIGHTNESS (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_GAMMA (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SPIFF (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_DULL (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_GRAYSCALE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_QUANTIZE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_DESPECKLE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_REDUCENOISE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_ADDNOISE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SHARPEN (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_BLUR (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_THRESHOLD (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_EDGEDETECT (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SPREAD (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SOLARIZE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SHADE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_RAISE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SEGMENT (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_SWIRL (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_IMPLODE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_WAVE (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_OILPAINT (integer)
- Gmagick::PREVIEW_JPEG (integer)
Rendering Intent constants
Fillrule constants
- Gmagick::FILLRULE_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::FILLRULE_EVENODD (integer)
- Gmagick::FILLRULE_NONZERO (integer)
Pathunit constants
- Gmagick::PATHUNITS_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::PATHUNITS_USERSPACE (integer)
Linecap constants
- Gmagick::LINECAP_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::LINECAP_BUTT (integer)
- Gmagick::LINECAP_ROUND (integer)
- Gmagick::LINECAP_SQUARE (integer)
Line Join constants
- Gmagick::LINEJOIN_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::LINEJOIN_MITER (integer)
- Gmagick::LINEJOIN_ROUND (integer)
- Gmagick::LINEJOIN_BEVEL (integer)
Resourcetype constants
- Gmagick::RESOURCETYPE_AREA (integer)
- Gmagick::RESOURCETYPE_DISK (integer)
- Gmagick::RESOURCETYPE_FILE (integer)
- Gmagick::RESOURCETYPE_MAP (integer)
- Gmagick::RESOURCETYPE_MEMORY (integer)
Orientation constants
- Gmagick::ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED (integer)
- Gmagick::ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT (integer)
- Gmagick::ORIENTATION_TOPRIGHT (integer)
- Gmagick::ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP (integer)
- Gmagick::ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP (integer)